Thursday, 3 May 2012

Twitter | Effective Twitter Job Search Tools

TwitJobSearch is an easy to use job search tool. Just type in your job description and TwitJobSearch produces a list of openings. Each job has a "View Job" button and icons to apply for the posting, or ask to have it Skyped. If you have logged on with your Twitter  account, you can save a job to your online account. Positions can be viewed by location and you can post your curriculum vitae, or resume, on the site for prospective employers.

Job Feed is a Twitter  account dedicated to employment seekers. Follow @jobsfeed and you will receive their stream of job opportunities, complete with links to more information and city hashtags.
Fiverr is a unique tool for filling in gaps in your income. If you are between jobs, even a few bucks can get you through a rough patch. Fiverr is a list of services and products people are willing to provide for $5.00. Create your own offering and get started. Some may feel that this site is pure fluff, but you can build a portfolio of your work just from your Fiverr account.

Referral Bonus attacks unemployment from a different angle. Recruiters have little personal knowledge of the people they are referring; why not use personal referrals to find well-matched employees? When you refer someone who gets hired, you get paid a bonus. This is a lucrative way to put your networking skills to work.

With the competition out there for employment, you need every advantage you can get. Computer skills are more important than ever and proving you can use these new job search tools can help you stand out from the crowd. And maybe that's all it will take.

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