Monday, 7 May 2012

Traffic Travis | Sherman Council Paves Way For Widening Travis Street

The Sherman City Council approved an agreement Monday evening that would allow the widening of Travis Street near U.S. Highway 82.

The council approved an advance funding agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation for a new roadway to connect Canyon Grove Road and the westbound frontage road of U.S. Highway 82. The Urban Mobility and Rehabilitation Project would provide an alternate route to temporarily redirect traffic to allow for construction on Travis Street. The work would widen Travis Street north and south of the bridge crossing U.S. Highway 82, upgrade the drainage and improve traffic signals.

"This is really a partnership between the City of Sherman, the private sector, the Metropolitan Planning Organization of Sherman and Denison and TxDOT," Sherman Mayor Bill Magers said.

TxDOT will only cover 80 percent of the costs of the construction because the new roadway is not a highway. The cost to the city was also reduced by the right-of-way that was acquired by the City of Sherman. The remaining costs to be covered by the city come to $24,485.88. Funds for the project are available in the current budget.

Execution of the resolution authorizing the Advance Funding Agreement, as well as payment of the $24,485.88, is required before work can begin on the project.

"It's not a perfect fix, but it gets us a lot further down the road and opens up that corner for development," Magers said.

The plan for annexation of 71,671 acres along Washington Street near the west city limits was approved by the council. The request for the annexation of the property, which is located near the intersection of Washington Street and SH 289, was made by the owner. The council adopted the Annexation Scheduling Plan and directed the Department of Engineering Services to develop a service plan for the area. The council also took the recommendation of city staff to schedule the required public hearings during the regular council meetings of May 21 and June 4. The ordinance will then be adopted at a specially called meeting on June 25.

A public hearing was held to discuss the adoption of new speed limits on the Sam Rayburn Freeway northbound frontage road. The Texas Department of Transportation requested the council change the speed limits on the frontage road after the state agency performed a traffic study and survey to determine the best speed limits. The changes will set a speed limit of 50 mph on the road from Gateway Drive to Center Street, 40 mph from Center Street to Texoma Parkway and 45 mph from Texoma Parkway to Loy Lake Road.

Sherman resident Hattie Moss addressed the council about the high number of automobile accidents that have occurred near her home, which is at the corner of South Holly Avenue and West Moore Street. Moss stated that she's about to replace her mailbox for the fourth time after a white SUV destroyed it and sideswiped a car in her yard at 3 a.m. Saturday morning. Magers asked City Manager George Olson to look into the matter for the council.

During the council comments section of the meeting, Magers spoke about the recent death of longtime Sherman resident Ralph "Slats" McCord.

"I just want to tell you, they don't make them like Slats," Magers said. "He passed last week, but the memorial at Austin College Saturday was well attended. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family."

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