Friday, 13 April 2012

SEO Suite | Search Engine Marketing - How Search Chameleon Can ...

In the case of Google, page ranking is determined by a number of factors including the relevance of a page to the specific search terms used. Basically, Google's algorithm monitors the amount of time a visitor spends on a Web page since the relevance of a page to the search terms used is a major factor in the importance of that page to a prospect. This is important because page ranking and sponsored ad per-click costs are factored based on the algorithm results.

In order to compete effectively Web developers frequently design a number of landing pages for the same product specific to certain popular keywords. SEO  techniques such as using keywords in the page's title and in the page text in a number of pages can be difficult to maintain and expensive to employ.

A software product named Search Chameleon was designed to automate this process by allowing a Web developer to incorporate scripting into a landing page causing the text in the title and/or the body of the page to adjust in real time based on the specific keywords used in the search engine and a sponsored advertisement.

The process works with a related sponsored ad which includes the keywords in the destination URL. This would complete a triangle of relevancy with the search term entered in the search engine, text in the sponsored ad and the text on the landing page. As stated previously, this can result in a very positive rating with Google's algorithm.

The drawback is a Web developer would be limited to few keywords if the scripting is used in the body of the landing page because the flow of information would be negatively affected by using the wrong word in a sentence, for instance. It would probably work best if the script was used to change keywords only in the page's title and paragraph titles.

So, although using Search Chameleon would reduce the cost and development time required for several landing pages, a Web developer would have to be very selective in the placement of the script in the body of the page.

Search Chameleon is a proprietary business application and only available in a suite of B2B Internet marketing tools named PromoBlackBox. This suite of tools includes other proprietary software and hosted applications intended for small to medium sized business. It was co-developed by a respected Internet marketing company recognized by both Google and Yahoo with their highest honors because of their marketing success.

The search engine marketing landscape is continually evolving as new technologies are introduced and as Web developers learn how to "beat the system". As the major search engines update their search parameters, Web developers will have to adjust their on page SEO  techniques to accommodate them. One thing that probably won't change is the relevance of a landing page to the specific search terms used.

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