Monday, 21 November 2011

Article Marketing Robot | What I Do Now In Affiliate Marketing

Yesterday on twitter  I had someone ask me if I am still doing really well with affiliate marketing like back in the day.

I gave a quick a nswer that my affiliate revenue now is more stable but not nearly as spiky as it used to be.

This person has followed by blog for a long time so he knew my back history.

But for new people or people wondering what has changed a lot for me I thought it needed a much longer explanation.

My best year in affiliate marketin g by itself would be back in 2006. My wife was in residency and on call 2 times a week where she had to spend 24 hours at the hospital working. She would get the next day off but slept for most of it.

There were no responsibilities in life and could crank on my Affiliate Marketing stuff as much as needed.

I found a ngles left and right that others were not taking advantage of. And when I found something I exploited the shit out of it.

One such instance was when Microsof t Adcenter first launched their advertising network. They had no real clue what they were doing… Their whole quality score was based on how many clicks you got. They never took things like user experience and landing page into consideration like what all the major ppc engines do now.

Basically you could upload as many keywords as you wanted (there was no cap), bid the minimum (5 cents) and they were instantl y active and stayed active until they were disabled because they did not get enough clicks.

When you pay 5 cents to convert to an offer that pays $20 you can bi d on anything… and you come out ahead. TRUST ME.

I purchased CNET's entire database of EVERY key word searched from 2003-2005 for like $1,000.00 or so. Then I uploaded the entire keyword list to Microsoft Adcenter using dynamic keyword insertion for the ad s so whatever you searched for it would give you a ringtone ad. Like if you sea rched for Google it would have an add like this:

Title: Google Ringtones
Descrip tion: Get Google Ringtones Instantly Sent To Your Phone!

So imagine uploading 2 2 MILLION keywords… basically every possible keyword combination that had been searched for in the previous years.

But the keywords would stop producing, for the majority, a fter about 4 days. Also it took about that long to upload all the keywords. I had it all automated using basic macro programs I found around the net…. I think the one I use d was called UO Robot or something like that…

So I made 20 accounts on Adcenter and did a rou nd robin upload between them using a dedicated computer doing nothing but upload ing keywords 24/7. It still needed a lot of manual coaxing but worked very well for the most part.

That system profited me 6 figures a month for about 4 months or so. But then one day… *poof*. Microsoft fixed the hole and then I had to find the next t hing.

Wow I went on a lot on that little example… Fortunately in the time we are living in the re are TONS of opportunities like these. But its a lot of "we're rich, we're poor". Good thing I had a wife that would not let me spend money like water .

Anyway fast forward to now. Since then I have had 2 children and l earned how to be a husband (still learning that one). I take my kids to school at 8am in the morning. I get them up, brush hair, teeth, make breakfast and out the door.

I can't pull all nighters anymore. It is rare I am up past 11pm anymore.

My entire life has evolved. Personally and professionally.

Since 2006 I have had over 20 incorporated companies. Most of which never amounted to much, some totally cr ashed and burned, but I have sold 4 total businesses since and been able to tur n some $20 employees into millionaires along the way.

I now have a nice office downtown with 8 local Lincoln employees. I have had to learn how to delegate p rograming, graphic design, and other stuff. It helps that I know how to do it s o I can communicate and manage well but its also frustrating cause I want to jump in and do stuff all the time… which drives my employees nuts.

Fact is though I can't gamble like I used to. I have a lot of overhead and am responsible for many employees.

Now 90% of my affiliate marketing revenue comes from using the affiliate cash tree methodolog y (webinar demonstrating it here). This is much more stable way to do affiliate marketing and generates a lot more return on my investment .

I now have a lot of VERY stable income producing internet properties. I mostly now look for underv alued web properties, acquire them, monetize them with affiliate marketing or w hatever then hold them or sell them off if the right offer comes a long.

I also recently, after a fortune维 company asked us to take over their internet mark eting, setup a separate entity that does…. hold your breath… client work… eeeek. YES I know I never said I would do cl ient work. And I STILL hate client s. Sorry if you guys are reading this.

But I hired someone to run it, hold companies hands, and deal with all the bullshit so I can do what I do best and make them (and me) lots of money.

SRSLY doing in ternet marketing for local companies is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Honest ly if you are just getting started and want to make money on the internet local businesses are the new frontier. Nobody knows who we are in the local area but just by word of mouth we have a waiting list of people who want to pay us to ta ke over their stuff. Again I HATE the client stuff and am trying to hire more "account manage rs" so we can take them on.

Anyway… So do I still make money with affiliate marketing? Yes. Do I make as much as I have before? Yes but its a much more slower and stable pace.

This article courtesy of What I Do Now In Affiliate Marketing

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Tagged as: advertising , affiliate , client , Internet Marketing , investment , kids , person , phone , robot , shoemoney , time

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